Notebook and pen illustration
Football illustration
Book cover image
Romanian passport illustration
Airpods illustration


Designing, building, running, writing, constantly learning.

Image of a notebook, passport, airpods, football, and a book.

Things that are useful, beautiful, and easy to use make me smile. Software can be like this.

I enjoy product design because it involves three topics I'm always curious about: business, aesthetics, people.

Thoughts on design
Arrow down icon
Thoughts on building
Arrow down icon

Adventure often calls me. I travel a lot because I need to see new places, adapt to different cultures, and just figure things out. Plus new places are full of things to learn, so why not?

Maybe that’s why I like startups. They are challenging, fun, and far from linear. Lots of ups and downs and situations to adapt to. You need to research, learn, do, build and then back to the first step.

I kinda hate my city because it’s boring, but I love my friends because they are the most exciting people I know.

Sports is something I do regularly. I have to because 1) it keeps me mentally sane and always helps me go one step further, 2) I easily get chubby.

But I also love understanding the systems, tactics, and the business behind sport. It’s not enough that I like football. I need to understand the strategy used during the game, how are the athletes training, what’s the management doing in order to help the team.

It’s like that for most things. I find it difficult (right now) to focus on a single topic and obsess about it. I like getting context, I like tinkering with multiple things, learning from everywhere.

I probably read a decent amount. I try to average 20 books a year and lots more articles, essays, and blogs. Compared to Patrick Collison, probably I don’t read that much. But hey, it’s a start.

And that’s a fraction of it, but enough for you to have an idea about me and what I like. If you believe you have an interesting project, discussion topic, book, article or if I can help in any way, please reach out. email, twitter, linkedin

Instant image of me at Capo de Roca in Portugal
Instant image of the Advisable team
Instant image of a street in Lisbon
Instant image of me and my girlfriend in Barcelona
Instant image of me and a friend in front of the Bradenburg Gate in Berlin
Instant image of me with a medal from a half marathon


A squiggle representing a path

Breaking into tech & design: the journey

The story of landing my first job in tech as a designer.

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3 metal links connected. The middle one gets broken. Links on the right start to take some life through colors, as the others look faded.

Myths I believed while joining a remote start-up

Insecurities I held as I joined and what I learned from them.

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Advisable's logo

My work at Advisable

Presenting the projects I worked on while at, each with their own lessons.

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